Hungry Democracy


Gujarati snack

hungrydemocracy cooking time icon
Cooking Time
hungrydemocracy Prep time icon
Prep Time
15 min
hungrydemocracy Serving icon
hungry democracy Snacks icon Snacks
Cooking tools used
hungry democracy Mixer Grinder icon Mixer Grinder hungry democracy Pressure Cooker icon Pressure Cooker
hungry democracy Indian - Gujarati icon Indian - Gujarati
Main Section
hungry democracy Besan icon
1 cup
hungry democracy Rava icon
1 tbsp
hungry democracy Butter milk icon
Butter milk
1 cup
Butter milk should be sour
hungry democracy ginger icon
1/4 inch
hungry democracy Garlic flakes  icon
Garlic flakes
2 unit/count
hungry democracy green chillies icon
green chillies
1 unit/count
hungry democracy sugar icon
1/4 tsp
hungry democracy salt icon
1/4 tsp
hungry democracy Eno icon
3/4 tsp
hungry democracy oil icon
1 tbsp
hungry democracy mustard seeds icon
mustard seeds
1/4 tsp
hungry democracy  asafetida icon
1 pinch
hungry democracy curry leaves icon
curry leaves
1 sprig
hungry democracy water icon
1 tsp
Step 1
Take Basen & Rava in a bowl, add butter milk & mix altogether & keep it overnight.
Step 2
Next day grind ginger, garlic, green chilly, sugar & salt add it to Basen mixture & mix altogether & make it into a smooth batter.
Step 3
Then keep a vessel in the cooker by applying oil in the inside of the vessel, put the Basen batter into it, add 1 tbsp oil & Eno.
Step 4
Now steam the basen batter like it is done for idli. Dokla is ready. Dokla will be fluffy & when u pierce a knife into it the knife will come clean.
Step 5
Take a small pan, put oil in it & sputter mustard seeds, put asafoetida & curry leaves. Switch off the gas.
Step 6
Overturn the ready Dokla on to a plate, cut it into square thick pieces. After the mustard mixture has cooled down, put 1 tsp of water in it & pour it over the Dokla.
Step 7
You can also put scraped coconut & finely cut coriander leaves over it.
Step 8
Dokla can be served with coriander chutney or also can be had with tomato sauce.
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