Hungry Democracy


hungrydemocracy cooking time icon
Cooking Time
hungrydemocracy Prep time icon
Prep Time
20 min
hungrydemocracy Serving icon
hungry democracy Side Dish icon Side Dish
Cooking tools used
hungry democracy Pressure Cooker icon Pressure Cooker
hungry democracy Indian - Kerala icon Indian - Kerala
Main Section
hungry democracy Tapioca icon
2 unit/count
hungry democracy  red chilli powder icon
red chilli powder
2 tsp
hungry democracy turmeric icon
1 tsp
hungry democracy salt icon
1 tbsp
hungry democracy water icon
4 cup
hungry democracy coconut (shredded) icon
coconut (shredded)
2 cup
hungry democracy coconut oil icon
coconut oil
4 tbsp
hungry democracy white onions icon
white onions
1 unit/count
hungry democracy Garlic flakes  icon
Garlic flakes
4 unit/count
hungry democracy mustard seeds icon
mustard seeds
1 tsp
hungry democracy dry red chillies icon
dry red chillies
2 unit/count
hungry democracy curry leaves icon
curry leaves
2 sprig
Step 1
Add water to a vessel n add the medium size chopped tapioca. Boil it well n off the stove n drain the water. Transfer it to a cooker n add little water to immerse it.Also add turmeric,chillie powder n salt. cook for 2 whistles.
Step 2
Let the cooker cool n add coconut to the tapioca. Mix it well n season in heated oil mustard,dry red chillies, chopped onions ,smashed garlic n curry leaves A very gud combination with fish curry.
More Recipes with Tapioca
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This is another recipe with Tapioca/kappa commonly used in Kerala!!
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Spicy and authentic kappayum irachiyum known as kappa biriyani.
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More Recipes of type Vegetable Side Dish
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Here is the desi masala curry of ivy gourd which goes well with chappathi, roti, pulka and rice. It is a very simple recipe and follow the instructions and measurements correctly for a perfect taste.
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Stuffed tomato curry is such a special dish which is perfect for any special occasion ......let's learn how to make it....
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Simple steamed beetroot recipe
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